
From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
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We hold regular meetings to discuss and decide on all things important concerning our space. There's a few baseline rules that we've decided on for the Plenum:

  • The Plenum is an institution to decide on what the space should look like, physically and in other ways.
  • All things concerning the space should be discussed at a plenum, if possible.
  • Everyone who's there can participate in that process, member or otherwise.
  • Everyone can head a plenum, no need for board members to do that.
  • Topics should ideally be announced on the Plenum wiki page beforehand
  • The Plenum should be held in a language that everyone participating understands.

Here you can find the meeting minutes from all past Plenums, as well as the page for planning the next plenum

Pages in category "Plenum"

The following 185 pages are in this category, out of 185 total.