20190929 Plenum

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What are you currently working on?

Tell everyone about your current projects and stuff you've done for the space

  • Paul: Family stuff and a emergency power off for the speaker on his storage box
  • David: Cleaning up the basement
  • Dominic: Building furniture for his van and doing power installation
  • Nico: Preparing to remove rust, painting and building a bed for the van
  • PeterM: Cleaning his bus and preparing for the "Spielmobil Kongress"

Say Thank you

Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum

  • Everyone who reorganised the gaming area
  • David, German & Severin for getting some new plants for the front of the space
  • Awareness Team for working on the new information wall
  • Everyone who participated in the Global Climate Strike
  • Everyone who helped with the clean up

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20190912 Plenum

  • Buying argon gas: David is still working on it. He's waiting for feedback from the head of department from Bauhaus.
  • Precious plastics shredder: we'll send an invoice for our storage costs and the material
  • Selling beer: Situation seems to have improved
  • Gaming-Area Stuff: New working tables have been assembled
  • CNC: We're not sure but it seems that nothing happened
  • Alex CNC: No news about size and stuff - It's 670x800mm in size
  • Gaming meetup: No news
  • YumYum: No news

Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Is there anything that's bothering you?

  • Laser Table usage restriction (PeterM)

He wants to have a good view at his truck because of the kids

We decided that Thursday starting around 5pm (when more people are coming in) the laser table should be free for people using the laser.

At other times you can use the table but when there is somebody using the laser ask the person if he wants the table.

Laser work has priority on this table!

  • Traces from cars that where in the space (like car screws, everything was moved but not put back, ...)

No complains about people doing stuff on their car in the space but please restore normality when you're done!

  • Modifying the plenum-approved rules on fridge - Bring that up in a plenum if you don't agree with the rule!

New location should be ready within the next few weeks

- what is our plan / schedule ?

  • David is doing the management stuff
  • Another date to go into the new space will be organized so that we can dry-fit our stuff (duct tape on the floor)
  • New doodle will be posted in slack #umzug_projektteams

Cargo bike of rehab republic

Work is still being done in Halle6 so they need a spot to park the cargo bike and they asked if they can do that in front of our space.

  • As long as it doesn't occupy a car parking spot, doesn't block the whole bike rack and is not attached to the leader we're fine with it

Leaving something rather big in the space overnight

I'd like to store something rather big (a car) in the space from Saturday October 5th to Sunday October 6th (will be gone before Kinky-DIY starts) (Nico)

That's only the worst case if the paint doesn't dry in time.

  • Approved as long as it's made sure that there is enough ventilation

Circular saw for the space

We now received more details - It's a Lutz 0JU 1010 incl. some attachments which did cost 700€ in 2004

  • We don't have the space right now, liability is still an open topic, it seems rather cheap and has very bad reviews
  • We decided against it and in case we want to buy one at a later time we are willing to spend a little more


discuss added items to the abandoned list

  • Train tracks - Paul wants to continue his work at some point, we think that it looks cool and it's not in the way up there so no objections that it can stay
  • Precious plastics - Won't be moved to the new space but it can stay until we move or if the move takes longer it will be cleaned up at least
  • Trash pile in the workshop - Some wood storage makes sense but we need to clean that out and find a better storage solution
  • Taxi way - David will take care that it's being removed
  • Trash behind the laser - That's spare parts for the laser and the filter box. There are two boxes with cables and stuff that can be moved somewhere else.
  • Adrians delta printer
  • X400 - Broken for years and nobody is working on it
  • Reflow oven underneath the electronics corner - Has never been used as far as we know
  • Styrofoam cutter - Cool but nobody uses it and it uses a ton of space
  • Rene's Plotter - Approved but a better location would be nice
  • Arcade machine - There is no designated space in the new space
  • Water dispenser - Is anybody using it? Seems like nobody used it for quite a while - Will be brought up in the next plenum and if nobody uses it let's get rid of it
  • Severins bike - He will be contacted to remove it
  • HP 2D-Printer - Our big printer is working, new Toner has been bought and we already have a spare so do we wan't to keep it?
  • Subwoofer - Free2Use - if still here by October 6th it will be removed
  • Air compressor - We have a small red one which seems to be broken - Free2Use or will be removed by October 6th
  • Two cash registers - They are on the project pallet, picture has been sent to slack and if nobody takes care in two weeks they will be trash

Lasercutter overhaul

Laser is showing signs of his age.

We decided to buy a new laser tube and other spare parts but they will be installed after we moved.

Things to Buy

Things to buy for projects related to the space.

  • Assorted cable shoe connectors ~20-25€