20181125 Plenum

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What are you currently working on?

Tell everyone about your current projects and stuff you've done for the space

  • German & Jan arbeiten an einem Kaput-o-Tron (eine Art Dash-Button für die Meldung von Gerätedefekten)
  • German arbeitet an Lorawan Geschichten
  • Rene arbeitet an seinem Auto
  • p373r (talk) hat aus den 4 defekten Skeleton Bots einen funktionierenden gemacht
  • Severin ist zurück aus dem Urlaub
  • Jonas arbeitet an einem Briefkasten Alarm

Say Thank you

Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum

  • David fürs Befüllen des Automaten
  • p373r (talk) & Uli fürs Getränke organisieren
  • Paul & Bennet & German für's Sachen besorgen auf der electronica :)
  • German & p373r (talk) & Theresa for cleaning the space

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20181108 Plenum

  • Freifunk still disabled, no complaints so far.
  • David nicht da, daher keine Infos wegen Haftung und neuem Raum.
  • Keine Kappsäge bisher
  • Feinstaubsensor: kommt später

Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Is there anything that's bothering you?


Respektvoller Umgang untereinander im Sinne von Sachen nach Benutzung aufräumen wäre wirklich angebracht. Das Problem summiert sich leider.

  • Kurz und kanpp: jeder räumt seinen Kram selbst wieder auf und lässt nicht einfach seinen Kram rumliegen


  • Reminder per eMail an alle (German)
  • Beschriftung verbessern, den Dingen einen klaren Ort geben

Status of our space

Let's show some details in case somebody missed that the last time and give an update on the status

  • Bisher nichts schriftliches zur Abstimmung.
  • The outside particle sensor is kinda broken. Uli took it from the wall today (2018-11-18) since the USB power cable was already disconnected since 4 days (at least the logs didn't show any results since then) and had a closer look on it. It is pretty dirty and German and Uli tried to disassemble and clean it, but the box cannot be opened without destroying it. Last try was to use some compressed air to clean blow it - and it seemed to work =).
    • Severin, Uli & German will fix open issues within this week (Severin has some spareparts)
  • Unfortunately the tip of the soldering-iron is kinda messed-up. for my scope of application it is still good enough, but Uli again) recently heard some complaints and the wish to replace it. since it is highly probable, that I messed it up during my soldering learning sessions, I would be willing to sponsor a new tip, when we order a new one. if we have a spare one left, I would be interested in learning how to replace it, if someone got time for that.
  • We might have the opportunity to receive a rack from the soon to be replaced SuperMUC Phase 2 supercomputer from the LRZ through Ruben who vists the lab on Occasion. Apperently, they will trash the hardware otherwise, so I'm assuming it'd be free. Asking whether I should express interest in the MuMaLab's name or not. (Bennet)
    • First thought: might be too loud. But they seem to be watercooled, so that might not be an issue. Would be great to have some hardware to play around with again, or even to replace the current hardware.
    • Plenum Decision: we want to have it !!

Things to Buy

Things to buy for projects related to the space.

  • USB Adapter (e.g. 3 Neutrik USB Adapter) for big table (p373r (talk)) in order to prevent permanent loss of power supplies: decided
  • Spare part particle sensor ? (Uli): not necessary
  • Soldering tip ? (Uli & German): decided
  • Beschriftungsschilder für Kabel - für die Lötecke) (German): decided