20200514 Plenum

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Disclaimer online plenum

Holding an online plenum is no new process and we will only do this do try it out during the time the space is closed. Doing online plenums in the future needs plenum approval. In case we decide to do online plenums in the future this acts as a proof of concept.

What are you currently working on?

Tell everyone about your current projects and stuff you've done for the space

  • German: Open Unit State - Machine control system
  • Theresa: Knitting and building a "mobile"
  • David: BA stuff and studying
  • Thomas: Working on his basement and trying to get his wife to Germany
  • Uli: Online meetings and trying to display $stuff on an epaper display
  • Nico: Trying to sell most of his belongings
  • AdrianM: Buying audio equipment and playing animal crossing

Say Thank you

Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum

  • German for installing emergency exit signs and handling the inspection from MGH

Second floor in the space

We asked the "Verbund offener Werkstätten" for money to install a second floor. They informed us that we will get 5000€ to do that. We're still in touch what they want in exchange.

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20200414 Plenum

Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Is there anything that's bothering you?

  • Space door has been open without anybody being there - Please close the door properly!

Things for Newsletter & Website News

Online voting tool

How did you like loomio? Do you think it's working for us and that we should subscribe for about 120€ per year?

  • We like it and should try to get another trial until we can use the space again. Once we open we should get a subscription.

Things to Buy