20220210 Plenum
Topics for the Plenum
Disclaimer online plenum
Holding an online plenum is no new process and we will only do this do try it out during the time the space is closed. Doing online plenums in the future needs plenum approval. In case we decide to do online plenums in the future this acts as a proof of concept.
What are you currently working on?
- Jan: automate projections screen
- Valentin: shelf with 1000+ LEDs nanoleaf, stroboscope, channelpoints mouse disconnector
- Jonas: flat organzing & briefkasten
- Roger: ansible
- German: 3d printing organizers
- Milian: battery power for a garden project
- Theresa: food project
- Meier: workshop organizing + introduction courses, laser
Projects & Groups update
Just a quick update from the groups meeting at our space, or other long-term space projects
- Laser cutter: New contoller is working. Inital calibration is done. Missing saftey board and honeycomb bed. Exhaust air has to be revisited.
- Gaming area: Roger is planning which consoles should be available in the gaming corner and checking out trussing stuff
Say Thank you
Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum
- German for setting up the introduction courses booking system
- Those who ran the first course using this system (if your interested in offering courses using this system let us know) - Aaron, Meier, German and everyone who attended and provided feedback!
- And of course to everyone who previously gave "on-demand" introductions to our machinery, etc.
- German/Meier/David for working on the Lasercutter
Stuff from the past
What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20220130 Plenum
Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?
Is there anything that's bothering you?
- Please don't relocate the laser material storage into the workshop sheet storage. Please put stuff back from where you took it :-) --C22 (talk) 19:42, 10 February 2022 (CET)
Future of the Lab Workshop
The Doodle came out to March 13th, which we'll discuss further with OuiShare now. COVID numbers don't really seem to go down yet though, so part of these discussions will be alternative formats e.g. an online variant of the workshop. I'll send something to Slack and the mailing list as soon as I have any news --Tiefpunkt (talk) (who won't be there for the plenum)
- Postponed to next plenum with Severin/Board of Members
Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News
- Jan: 3d model generator - feet for led lit (laser cut) signs
Introduce Loomio poll
Give a brief introduction of what you want to be decided on in Loomio before posting it to the Loomio management board
Things to Buy
- Software License for Lightburn https://lightburnsoftware.com/collections/frontpage/products/lightburn-dsp ~ 100€ --Meier (talk) 16:35, 10 February 2022 (CET)
- no objections