20170504 Plenum
Begin: 21:15 Anwesend: Severin, Cecile, Heiko, Eymen, Jörg, Rakesh, JanS, Jan, Peter, Rene, Niko, Paul, Adrian, Florian, Konstantin, David, Liviu
What are you currently working on?
Tell everyone about your current projects.
- Adrian: Abitur
- Paul: MQTT-Telefon für die Make
- JanS: Bar-Orga für die Make
- Konstantin: MacBook-Lampe
- Peter: Throwies, Throwies-Automat für die Make
- Jörg: Mehr Licht
- Rakesh: nothing
- Cecile: Flyer für den Space
- Heiko: Laser-Abluft, Make-Vorbereitung
- Eymen: Lasern, 3d-Scanner
- Severin: Roboter, Roboter-Workshop, Make-Orga
- David: Bei Make helfen
- Niko: Umgebungssensoren für zuhause, Projekte für Sha, Quadrocopter
Thank you
Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum
- Cecile: Great flyers
- Everyone who helped clean up on sunday
- Everyone who will help at the bar at Make Munich
Stuff from the past
What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status on those things? 20170420 Plenum
- Still looking for ideas for Street Life Festival
- The Hackaday party this friday will happen at muCCC, not here
Anything you don't feel comfortable with in the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?
Is there anything that's bothering you?
- Heizung: Still not working
Stuff on a mission
Sometimes, stuff from the space gets taken somewhere else. From now on, please make sure that stuff is maintained in Stuff on a mission --Tiefpunkt (talk) 22:56, 27 April 2017 (CEST)
- Todo: Add column for name
- Also, please ask as early as possible
Stuff even further from the past
There were a few things in the past plenums that got lost. Let's bring them back up. --Tiefpunkt (talk) 22:56, 27 April 2017 (CEST)
- 23. - 25.06. Hack and Make vom FabLab Nürnberg (20170319_Plenum)
- Should we take part?
- Anmeldeschluss: 15.05.
- Noone wants to take care of this, so we probably won't go
- PM Sensors (20170309 Plenum)
- Still haven't bought them
- Newsletter (20170302 Plenum)
- We still need more people to collect content
- Sponsorship (20170119 Plenum)
- Any progress?
- Buy a handheld label printer (20161211 Plenum)
- Any progress?
- Niko has one, will make it publicly accessable
- New roll up banner (20161009 Plenum)
- Mr Beam (20161009 Plenum)
- Any progress?
- We'll ask for a price at Make Munich
- Better project documentation (20160612 Plenum)
- Any progress?
- Still a problem
- Also, make code publicly accessable
- So please, write documentation for all the things!
We got a Mietvertrag, which we won't sign with it's current contents. We've asked Kompetenzteam about changing some things.
We got one. Do cool things with it
We'd like to buy Euroboxes for our tools. This will cost 70-80€ -- Severin
Einstimmig beschlossen.
End: 21:43