20240808 Plenum

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The Plenum is a regular meeting of all people involved with the space to talk about things and decide stuff. If you have any topics to add, go right ahead! Please sign your points with your name (by adding a "--~~~~" after your text).

After the Plenum, please follow the tasks outlined in Cycling the Plenum to archive the discussion.


  • The Plenum is an institution to decide what the space should look like, physically and in other ways, such as virtually.
  • Things concerning the space should be discussed at a plenum.
  • Everyone on-site can participate in that process, member or otherwise.
  • Everyone can lead a plenum; no need for board members to do that.
  • Topics should ideally be announced on the Plenum wiki page beforehand.
  • The Plenum should be held in a language that everyone participating understands.
  • Scheduling: Second Thursday of the month at 8 pm and the last Sunday after the cleanup (which starts at 11 am)
  • Plenums should be no longer than 90 minutes.

Next Plenum: Thursday, August 8th at 8 pm

Topics for the Plenum

What are you currently working on?

  • Adrian: Camping and cooking with gear from AliExpress
  • Justin: University and Briefkastenalarm
  • Bernhard: Briefkastenalarm
  • Rene: Nothing
  • ChrisB: Bluetooth beacon - repairing the StorageBox
  • Valentin: Compressor repair
  • Jonas: new energy provider
  • q3k: investigation Raspberry Pi Pico 2 chip
  • Milian: Job search
  • Fortis: checking out the space for the first time
  • Korbinian: 3D Prints
  • Aaron: Designing 3D stuff
  • Phier: getting familiar with Bambulab
  • Robin: Nothing

Projects & Groups update

This is a quick update from group meetings at our space or other long-term space projects (e.g., Lasercutter, CNC, etc.)

  • Laser Cutter: spent 50€ to for 5m replacement flexible Air tube (Aaron). Now working again
  • Justin: The Bambu P1S is now ready to use! See its wiki entry to configure your laptop to use it :)
  • Valentin: Repairing the Matrix LED display on the Werkstatt

Vorstand updates

Say Thank you

  • Ivan: For helping me fix the workshop door (Chris)
  • Aaron: Fixing the torn lasercutter tube
  • Everyone who helped watering the plants
  • Valentin: fixing the Matrix LED display (again)


If you want to be mentioned at the previous section as well, one of the easiest ways is to take one of our MiniJobs. This is a great way to participate in the Munich Maker Lab e.V. and contributing time helps keeping our space in a good shape. You can find all information about the scope of the available jobs on MiniJobs.

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20240711 Plenum

  • Regarding building a new box, I really enjoyed the added room in the Electronics Corner. I don't know much about the boxes, but I am under the impression that there are quite a few free spaces in the existing boxes. Because of that I would prefer that we not build a new box again (at least for now) --Aaron (talk)
    • Vote to assign Paulin's old half storage box to Vallentin and Roger (they take a quarter box each) since they have been on the waiting list for a long time. At the same time, the point was brought up to rethink our storage box concept as there is generally little room in our space. For that a write-up on our current box-state (how many currently free, how many used by whom since when) would be helpful to have a discussion next plenum. If announced with sufficient prior notice plenum 1 month before, we can still vote to change the box concept in the future, even if that means dissassigning already assigned boxes.
      • Approved with two abstains and no against

Anything you don't feel comfortable with within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

  • The flood lights in the yard seem to be dying. Is there a way we or the landlord can get them fixed? --Tiefpunkt (talk) 00:35, 8 August 2024 (CEST)
    • Aaron is going to ask German - we'll probably have new lights to buy on the next-ish plenum

Racist crap on Box 9 (q3k)

Is perpetuating the racist stereotype of polish car thieves at the space okay?


This topic has been taken care of. But nonetheless just to bring this up. We are a public space and want it to be welcoming and free of offensive or discriminatory content. So please keep this and our code of conduct in mind, when publicly posting/displaying/sharing/etc content. --David (talk) 19:35, 8 August 2024 (CEST)

  • Sign got removed
=> FYI: If you see something in the space that offends you and you can remove it without damaging it you may do so at your own discression (as decided by prior plenum)

10 year anniversary

The lab was founded in 2014, so this year we had our 10 year anniversary. Should we do a celebration of that, e.g. some time in the fall? --Tiefpunkt (talk) 00:35, 8 August 2024 (CEST)

    • We could do a low-key event on a Saturday with a BBQ
    • Do some Stickers maybe?

Public IT infrastructure

We run two servers at Hetzner (Mars and Jupiter, or Web Infrastructure) to provide various services (wiki, website, mailinglists, pad, etc.).

  • Their configuration is a bit confusing by now, I would like to clean that up a bit (e.g. move all web stuff into containers; atm its a mixture of containers and OS native stuff, spread across both hosts)
  • We could really use some additional services, e.g. a NextCloud instance for calendar management (currently at Google with very limited access) and as a Trello alternative for organizing the newsletter.
  • We may have to consolidate a few additional services that are now running externally back into our infrastructure.
  • We should also address our mail infrastructure, but that's quite a big fish to fry.
  • There's a bit of a documentation gap

For that, I would like to get 1-2 additional cloud servers at Hetzner to start that consolidation. The aim would be to stay at two machines for the long run, but not having to do this whole thing in-place would make it much safer.

    • We approve to get up to two servers (roughly 50€ per month and server) in roughly the same configuration as the old ones for six months (for now) and additionally note that there is #it-infrastructure Slack Channel to get in contact with Severin (or him directly at @Severin)
    • Approved by everyone

Also, if anyone wants to help with this, please let me know.

--Tiefpunkt (talk) 09:18, 5 August 2024 (CEST)

Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News

Not really content, just some notes --Tiefpunkt (talk) 09:18, 5 August 2024 (CEST)

  • We deactivated our X (formerly known as Twitter) account (set it to private).
  • There seems to be a lot of stuff going on at the space, yet little makes it into the outside world via social media. Let's change that and show off some of the cool stuff we do.
    • Yeah sounds good! But we need help for that: #it-infrastructure or #social-media on slack.

Introduce Loomio poll

Things to Buy

Request for online participation

If necessary, you can request to participate remotely (via jitsi). Please briefly describe why you want to participate remotely and what topic you want to discuss. (additionally to adding the topic on top!)