20240912 Plenum

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What are you currently working on?

  • Justin: University Projects, Bachelor Thesis
  • Aaron: Bike repair
  • Bernhard: Working on his "Linear Actuator"
  • ChrisB: Repairing and reworking the rotating lamp, cleaning up his storage Box and fixing the Subwoofer
  • Adrian: Being a member again and trying to wire an amplifier into Vallentin's Storage Box
  • Jan: Getting used to being at the space again regularly; Installing more gimmicks into his Storage Box
  • Ivan: Finding a Project and helping with ChrisB's Subwoofer
  • David: Cleaning up the Member Database; Fixing the Door lock system *soon*
  • Daniel: Becoming a member, autonomous rc flight

Projects & Groups update

This is a quick update from group meetings at our space or other long-term space projects (e.g., Lasercutter, CNC, etc.)

  • MuMaExpress Vending machine: Jonas checked the Inventory for the MuMaExpress and bought more electronics stock. Instant Ramen is still missing
    • Adrian and ChrisB will investigate
    • We think it is best to move the list of stuff to have in the Machine into the wiki, but still keep one person in charge of ordering to avoid double orders.

Vorstand updates

  • MGH Is currently working on remodeling the Power Wiring - We will have to pay for the power but we'll get an 80A fuse
    • We will look into the power usage in the space and possibly replace stuff like the drinks fridge and the Overhead lights
  • The gas burners of our centralized heating have been removed and are scheduled to be replaced by Fernwärme in the coming weeks. So currently we have no heating. On 1st October we might get a mobile heating solution.
  • Roof was leaking again, someone will come soon.

Say Thank you

  • Jonas for sorting thru the vending machine stuff
  • Adrian and Valentin for fixing the Bench outside
  • Bernhard for adjusting the dampener on the workshop door
  • David for providing a saw


If you want to be mentioned at the previous section as well, one of the easiest ways is to take one of our MiniJobs. This is a great way to participate in the Munich Maker Lab e.V. and contributing time helps keeping our space in a good shape. You can find all information about the scope of the available jobs on MiniJobs.

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20240825 Plenum

  • Plates and Bowls from IKEA were successfully bought by Adrian. Forks will be bought later as the are out of stock currently

Anything you don't feel comfortable with within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

  • There's a lot of stuff on the Stuff on a mission list that should already be back - can we check what's still actually "on a mission", and clear up the list? And if stuff is still gone, maybe remind people to bring it back? --Tiefpunkt (talk) 23:54, 11 September 2024 (CEST)
    • Adrian did some cleanup 👍

Repair Café with Precious Plastic Munich

We used to do a semi-regular repair café in the old Precious Plastic Munich workspace. I'd like to revive that, even as long as PPMuc does not have a dedicated space. So I was thinking of organizing a repair café at the lab, co-branding it with both names. I was thinking Saturday or Sunday, for 2-3 hours. Given that IMAL already has their Repair Cafe on saturdays, Sunday is probably the better choice.

Any objections? Who would be on board to support the repairing? --Tiefpunkt (talk) 23:51, 11 September 2024 (CEST)

  • Should it be a generic repair café or specialized on a topic? The Werkbox has also a repair café every first Thursday of the month (6 to 9 PM) where I'm participating. We could also think about a collaboration with them. --Phier (talk) 09:51, 12 September 2024 (CEST)
  • Sunday is good! It should not interfere with other Sunday events though (Plenum, Cleanup, Lasercutter Intro)

Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News

Introduce Loomio poll

Things to Buy

  • Can we buy a clock for the community space like we have in the workshop? This one to put on the storage box next to the project pallet facing towards the tables. Costs: 17€ --Phier (talk) 12:24, 9 September 2024 (CEST)
    • Approved by everyone but we also made a change to display the time on our LED sign over the workshop door. If you still want to get the clock there was a tendency towards also hanging it up on the white workshop wall instead of next to the Projektpalette
  • We want to replace our printer. This is a call for proposals until next plenum.

Request for online participation

If necessary, you can request to participate remotely (via jitsi). Please briefly describe why you want to participate remotely and what topic you want to discuss. (additionally to adding the topic on top!)