20180804 Plenum

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Start: 13:50

What are you currently working on?

Tell everyone about your current projects and stuff you've done for the space

  • Elias: Linux-Webcam
  • Peter: RFID Zentralverrieglung. Küche putzen
  • Alexis: His bike
  • Severin: Insect hotels, TTN Gateway workshop
  • David: VPS Docker Container Setup

Say Thank you

Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum

  • Joe, PeterM, JanM and Nico for working on the kitchen! (Hope I didn't miss anybody?!)
  • Annika and Jan for organising such a great kickoff to their monthly DIY Workshops
  • Everybody who was cleaning up today
  • Severin for fixing the IRC-/Now-Slack-Bot

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20180719 Plenum

  • JungeSMünchen - First workshop has happend
  • Microwave: Now on the dishes cabinet for now
    • Kitchen only needs power for the oven
  • HTC Vive Stuff - Not sure if that happened.
  • Leather tools? - Again on things to buy for this week?

Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Is there anything that's bothering you?

  • Freifunk was down - is back online now
  • Space Dashboard broken - probably DNS problem... Severin might look into it.

Second pinball for the gaming area?

We will be storing Ap1c's (from CCC) Pinball in our gaming area.

There is a second one at his parents house that also needs to be gone so do we want "store" that as well?

  • There is enough space in the gaming area for both.
  • We could always get rid of again. What's the ownership deal with it? Is it ours then?
  • Does it work?


Starting next school year 2018-09-11... PeterM intends to offer weekly Tüftel workshops for kids in his truck. On truck stop is planned at Werksviertel Mitte and one could be set up in front of MunichMaker Lab. The kids could see were to continue if they like "making"... For some workshops I need a electricity.

  • any ideas / objections ? --p373r (talk) 20:12, 3 August 2018 (CEST) PeterM
  • No objections. Take as much electricity as you need.
  • He'll try it out for a few weeks at the beginning of the year
  • Maybe do it Thursday afternoon, so kids and parents can see what else is going on?
  • Insurance etc all in place.


We have a bunch of good electronics to spare, such as monitors, etc. The people from Brauchbar, the for-free-shop next door asked us whether we'd like to donate some of that. Should we do that? -- Severin

  • We can spare some monitors. Probably other stuff as well
  • We'll hand over two monitors and a printer today, and check with them if they need more afterwards.

Political Activism?

There was the #ausgehetzt protest two weeks ago, and a large number of organisations co-signed there pledge. Do we want to be officially in support of such initiatives in the future? How would we handle that? -- Severin

  • Yes, but we need a proper decision process
  • Pleanum decision for each one? Maybe not enough -> also ask in Slack? (as with JungeSMünchen)
  • Figure out a good decision process, and then we'll try it out next time the chance occurs. And then we can still refine it

Things to Buy

Things to buy for projects related to the space.

  • Textile consumables - max 150€ and will be sold again so the money is coming back (Nico added this for Annika) -> ok
  • A new flexible build plate for the x350 which is about 50€ (Thomas) -> ok. Money in the 3D Printing Donation box for that?
  • Label printer for the space? one with usb and a keyboard? -> take a look what there is, buy a decent one? -> next plenum
  • Extension cord? -> we have 2 Kabeltrommeln, they should be enough. the more we have the more likely they are going to be gone. David will check if he has some at home to spare.
  • MIG gas is almost empty -> refill? -> yes, when it's fully empty. Roughly 50€. Also see next point.


Do we need to put consumables on the "Things To Buy" List each and every time? Maybe we can setup a direct process for stuff that we need regularly.

  • Setup a time limit, and if stuff gets used up fast than that maybe we need a discussion?
  • Make a list of things we need regularly
  • Decide next plenum.

End: 14:29