Frequently Asked Questions
Munich Maker Lab
Q: What is the Munich Makerlab?
The Munich Makerlab is a non-profit organization and community-driven open workshop that serves as a meetup place for our maker community. For more information, visit website.
Q: How to learn more about the Makerlab and the community?
To get familiar with our Makerlab and its community, check out website and social media channels. The best way to experience our space and meet our members is to us.
Q: Who cares about all the stuff in the Makerlab?
Everything in our Munich Makerlab is managed voluntarily by our members. This includes cleanup, building and repairing machines, and making changes. It's essential that everyone takes responsibility in our space or online via platforms like Slack and our wiki.
Q: How is the makerlab organized?
Our Makerlab operates like a regular club with a small board of elected directors handling legal matters. Other tasks are managed by working groups or individuals interested in specific areas. The main decision-making body is our regular Plenum, where members decide on space-related issues.
Q: How to get in contact
For visiting: Page
For general questions: Page
For questions to our board: Page
Q: Are there any prerequisites for joining the Makerlab?
No, there are no prerequisites. Everyone is welcome to join our community, regardless of technical background or skills. Our community is diverse and includes both technical and non-technical individuals.
Q: Do you offer paid services or can I book machines at the space?
No, we don't offer paid services. Machines cannot be reserved. However, our community is supportive, and members often share their experiences and assist with project questions. Check out visit page for more details.
Q: Can introduction courses be booked as an external?
Courses are primarily for our members to familiarize themselves with the machines before using them independently. It is possible to join as an external, but attending one of our open Thursday events is recommended first: Page.
Q: The Munich Makerlab does not fit your needs or it is too far away?
Are there other organizations similar to the Makerlab or which have a slightly different scope? Yes, there are other workshop communities in Munich and beyond. For a broader list, visit Spaces Wiki or Makerspace map . In Munich, you can find for example:
Becoming a Member
Q: How to become a member
Check out Onboarding for details.
Q: I have not received feedback on my member request
Please contact our board via imprint page.
Using the Space
Q: Who and how can I use the Makerlab
When our space is open, you can visit and ask present members if you can work on your projects. Members can use our space independently. For larger machines, an introduction course is required. Find onboarding course dates on calendar.
Q: What machines are available
Check out the available equipment on Main Page.
Space Details
Q: What happens with abandoned stuff? (aka where do I put it/where do I find it)
Abandoned items are placed in the "Herrenloses Zeug" box (below the 3D printers) until the next cleanup. They are then moved to the "Last Chance" box. Photos are posted to Slack during each cycle. If you place items in the box, check if an owner is noted and try to contact them.
Q: What is cleanup and what am I supposed to do?
Clean the floor, return tools and machines to their designated places, take out the trash, and help keep our space tidy. A full list of tasks is on Cleanup.
Last Chance Box
Move useful items from the "Letzte Chance" Box to the "Free to use" shelves and dispose of the remaining garbage.
Transfer items from the "Herrenloses Zeug" box to the "Letzte Chance" Box.
Place items from the tables into the "Herrenloses Zeug" box.
Q: Free to use
If you have useful items you no longer need, place them on the "Free to use" shelves. Keep similar items together. Feel free to use these items for projects, but remember they are shared among our members. For example, if you have a Raspberry Pi you don't need, you can put it there for others to use.
Q: Can I lend stuff?
Short-term lending of tools and space-owned equipment is allowed if documented on Stuff on a mission. For longer-term loans, request approval at the next Plenum.