20210925 Plenum

From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
Revision as of 22:29, 26 September 2021 by David (talk | contribs) (Plenum notes)
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What are you currently working on?

  • German : Clean-up and Laser
  • Theresa: Working on the Wohnung
  • Aaron: Growing Shiitake
  • David: Laser and Wohnung

Projects & Groups update

Just a quick update from the groups meeting at our space, or other longterm space projects

  • Laser: Works in principle, needs further adjusting, a cable needs to be shielded, a new honeycomb base plate needs to be ordered.

Say Thank you

Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum

  • Chris K, David for vacuuming the space!
  • Jens (extern) for passing by and cleaning the yard
  • Aaron and German for fixing the network uplink to the roof
  • Meier, David, Bernhard, German for working on the laser
  • German for cleaning the dish washer
  • German and Aaron for cleaning the chairs.
  • German for updating the storage wiki page
  • Meier and Aaron for looking after the plants over the whole season

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20210909 Plenum

  • The Knipex Seitenschneiders arrived and are available
  • A PM (Feinstaub) sensor has been finished

Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Is there anything that's bothering you?

Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News

  • Chris K's hexagon wall
  • We won a repair cafe kit from ifixit

Update on the Kreativquartier Situation

The Stadtrat wants to look into the current implementation of the rules of the Stadtratbeschluss. For example rents seems higher than agreed, and outside areas can't be easily used.

Things to Buy

  • 6€ for shipping for the won ifixit kit (approved unanimously)