The Plenum is a regular meeting of all people involved with the space to talk about things, and decide stuff.
If you have stuff to add, go right ahead! Please sign your points with your name (by adding a "--~~~~" after your text).
- The Plenum is an institution to decide on what the space should look like, physically and in other ways, such as virtually.
- Things concerning the space should be discussed at a plenum.
- Everyone who's there can participate in that process, member or otherwise.
- Everyone can head a plenum, no need for board members to do that.
- Topics should ideally be announced on the Plenum wiki page beforehand
- The Plenum should be held in a language that everyone participating understands.
- Scheduling: second Thursday of the month at 8pm and last Sunday after the cleanup (which starts at 11am)
- Plenums should be no longer than 90 minutes.
Next Plenum: Sunday, July 3rd after the general assemlby (which starts at 2pm)
Topics for the Plenum
What are you currently working on?
Projects & Groups update
Just a quick update from the group meeting at our space, or other long-term space projects
- Gaming area: ordered replacement remote for the big tv, works as intended, was 10 bucks, donation to space. -Bernhard
- 3D Printer for Lab: 3dprinter4lab Update and introduce printer choice poll
Say Thank you
- Thanks Berhard for lots of effort put into the laser exhaust, and thanks to Meier & German for additional support
- German and Meier for organizing repair of the workshop rollup door
- Thanks to roland for washing the kitchen towels
- Thanks to chrisk for refilling the isoprop bottles
- Thanks to HPJ for fixing the light in the workshop
Stuff from the past
What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20220609 Plenum
Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?
Is there anything that's bothering you?
Recap "Future of the Lab" Workshop
What was discussed at the workshop, and how do we proceed now? --Tiefpunkt (talk) 22:53, 2 July 2022 (CEST)
Recap Awareness Team
With the last general assembly, we founded the Awareness Team. How did it do, how do we continue with that topic? --Tiefpunkt (talk) 22:53, 2 July 2022 (CEST)
Storage system recap
How to organize our storage in a way that is fair to newer members --David (talk) 12:53, 3 July 2022 (CEST)
Door Lock
New motor lock is ordered, what do we want to do for the frontend?
Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News
Introduce Loomio poll
Things to Buy
Request for online participation
If necessary you can request to participate remotely (via jitsi). Please give a short description of why you want to participate remotely and what topic you want to discuss. (additionally to adding the topic on top!)