20220310 Plenum
Topics for the Plenum
Disclaimer online plenum
Holding an online plenum is no new process and we will only do this do try it out during the time the space is closed. Doing online plenums in the future needs plenum approval. In case we decide to do online plenums in the future this acts as a proof of concept.
What are you currently working on?
- Bernhard: Motrobike lift, school stuff. Private CNC
- Meier: laser safety, introduction, planting flowers
- Roger: learning terraform, ansible
- Valentin: led devices with wled, learning API of group alarm
- Nico: working on his flat and regular work
- Theresa: learning hr stuff, on her way to the family
- Jan: modify ikea lamp with leds an microscope, led matrix
- Aaron: learning mqtt
- Rainer: router lift as part of a new workbench
Projects & Groups update
Just a quick update from the groups meeting at our space, or other long-term space projects
- Laser: safety board development is in progress. Sensors and parts are all ordered and delivered.
Say Thank you
- Thanks to unknown for cleaning the kitchen
- Thanks to the welding crew for keeping the space useable in-between!
- Thanks to Meier/German for finishing the screws, dowel and nail assortment system in the workshop
- Thanks to Meier/German for cleaning the electronics corner
- Thanks to Bernhard/Meier for looking for replacements for the welder and angle grinder
- Severin for organizing the future of the lab workshop
- German, Aaron Meier for the introduction workshops
Borrow equippment for a soldering workshop
01.04. - 03.04. Jan needs a couple of soldering irons for an external workshop
Stuff from the past
What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20220227 Plenum
Covid rules
From 19.3. there will be new regulations. It is unkonw what Bavaria and Munich will make of the new rules. The space rules will be updated after that. Educational workshops are possible with vaccination + mask + distance, so keep it small
Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?
Is there anything that's bothering you?
- Future of the lab workshop date was announced too late (Bernhard)
Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News
- Motorbike lift (Bernhard)
- LED matrix (Jan)
Introduce Loomio poll
from Bernhard
We want to buy a new Mig Welder. The old one is in bad Condition, overheats quite easily, is not very adjustable and quite Bulky.
Therefore we have done some research and found this machine https://www.stahlwerk-schweissgeraete.de/schweissgeraete-mig-200-st-mig-mag-schutzgas-inverter
It Has a higher Amperage Rating, can weld longer without overheating, is way more adjustable, the wirefeed is self adjusting, it can use flux core wire in case Bauhaus f... up the welding gas refill, and it even allows the use of mma elektrodes, so we can replace the sketchy stick welder deathtrap as a nice bonus on top.
Add two automatic helmets to the poll so that we can show people how to weld.
2nd story
from Nico
In the past we had the idea to set up a (partial) second story within our space. I will give a short recap, show my ideas and let's have a loomio poll after that.
Renaming of the gaming area
Roger suggested to rename the gaming area to something that is not that negativ/dedicated. A suggestion most people like was "Wohnzimmer"/Living room.
Things to Buy
- Angle Grinder: https://www.bosch-professional.com/de/de/products/gwx-17-125-s-06017C4002 Best Price 142,99€ (Meier)
- no objections
- Tap&Die Set: Currently on sale https://www.contorion.de/p/stier-gewindeschneidzeug-satz-gewindeschneider-set-32-teilig-m3-m12-hss-g-95222855 58€ (Meier)
- no objections
- Kugelumlaufspindel, Lager, Steppermotor, Riemenantrieb, Linearführung für Fräslift Projekt ca 200€ (Rainer)
- no objections
- (please put your project documentation in the wiki, concerns were raised that project should be brought to a working stage before more funds for the new worktable are required)