20210513 Plenum
Topics for the Plenum
Disclaimer online plenum
Holding an online plenum is no new process and we will only do this do try it out during the time the space is closed. Doing online plenums in the future needs plenum approval. In case we decide to do online plenums in the future this acts as a proof of concept.
What are you currently working on?
- Meier: nothing
- German: multiswitch mini PCB
- Jonas: Twitch support
- Theresa: schaut sich die Maße für einen Yoda-block an
Projects & Groups update
Just a quick update from of the groups meeting at our space, or other longterm space projects
- CNC Group: cnc rebuild will become a little more time consuming, y axis needs some redesign aswell. CNC still usable since we can use the CAD for the planing of the new parts.
Say Thank you
Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum
- Meier: Cleanup & reorganizing of 3-printer shelves (with support from German)
- German: 3d printing organizers for the workshop Assortment System
- Meier for re-organizing the workshop (sorting the drawers and sorting stuff into the new assortment system)
- Aaron/Meier/German: Taking care of the planters/plants
- Meier to scare away the pigeons (Unfortunately only for 2 hours)
- Meier for repairing the LED sign
Stuff from the past
What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20210425 Plenum
- Stuff on a misson page is updated, some things still open
- The stuff from an ex-member that is still around will be picked up this weekend. Thanks to David for organizing and taking care.
3D Printing stuff
In preparation for printing the organizers we discussed on the last plenum there was a big cleanup and reorganization of the 3-D printing shelves. The Prusa Mini printers are now at a very convenient height to work with, cables are managed properly and the shelves are not cluttered anymore. A lot of random and unrelated stuff has been removed from the shelves. Among the things removed are a moving cardboard box full of fillament deemed to be propably not be printable anymore due to very old age and bad storage. Some of those were even tried and showed to be really not printable anymore.
Another item is a Hephestos 2 3D-printer. It is unclear where it came from and who owns it. Both items are on the project pallet for now.
What should we do with those items?
For the organizers all PLA fillament that was in the shelves was either used up or deemed unprintable. Also the 5 rolls we orderd for this project are gone by now an we could even use a couple more. So we probably need to order some new fillament if we want to provide some for users that don't have their own fillament. If so we should consider a better storage solution that is air tight and not transparent like the ikea boxes used right now. --Meier (talk) 09:14, 13 May 2021 (CEST)
- The stuff should become free2take until the next plenum, after this point the old filament will be disposed. The board of members should review the items to identify potential items that do not belong to the space.
Note: The newer, printable 3mm filament from the make munich 2 years ago is still being stored. Same with other filaments that were not brittle.
Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?
Always the same small group of people cleaning up the space. A general lack of participation.
Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News
- assortment system
- Flowers/Plants
- Blinking credit card terminal woopwoop
- Led sign working again with current occupation and corona info
Introduce Loomio poll
Give a brief introduction of what you want to be decided on in Loomio before posting it to the Loomio management board
Things to Buy
- Fillament sensors for the prusa mini 3-d printers. https://shop.prusa3d.com/en/minimini/1016-filament-sensor-mini-assembly.html ~ 40€ for 2 --Meier (talk) 14:09, 29 April 2021 (CEST)
- approved 4/4
- 4 Rolls of filament for further assortment stuff for the workshop, as the ones recently bought were all used and we want to add the boxes to a couple more drawers (workshop & zip ties) 4 rolls * 24€ = 96,00 €
- approved 4/4
- Short C14-C15 power cords for network power switch to pursa power supply connection https://www.amazon.de/Faconet%C2%AE-Kaltger%C3%A4teverl%C3%A4ngerung-Computer-Netzanschluss-Verl%C3%A4ngerung-Meter/dp/B077B7K25F ~15 €
- approved 4/4
- Gartenbrause https://www.amazon.de/GARDENA-Classic-Bew%C3%A4sserungsbrause-frostbest%C3%A4ndig-Einhandbedienung/dp/B00PNUCGAY 15 € --Meier (talk) 17:27, 1 May 2021 (CEST) or https://smile.amazon.de/GARDENA-Premium-Multibrause-Gartenbrause-Dauerarretierung/dp/B01MQDU36R/ref=psdc_120553031_t1_B00PNUCGAY which is just 5 bucks more but can also be used for more water throughput. --C22 (talk) 18:24, 1 May 2021 (CEST)
- discussed and agreed on the one with more modes, because it is not much more expensive.
- approved 5/5
- The Kitchen team needs different types of bowls ca. 40€
- approved 5/5
Ended: 20:35