
From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
Revision as of 02:25, 16 January 2017 by Tiefpunkt (talk | contribs) (CW 02)
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In order to show what's going on at and around the space, we've decided to create a weekly newsletter. Here's the archives

Previous years:

CW 02


We had a plenum this Thursday again. Here are the meeting minutes: Make sure to check out the presentation on what the new space could look like.

Make Munich 2017

This year's Make Munich is coming up. Let's show some awesome stuff, and hopefully do some more awesome things as well. Participate in the planning on flowdock ( or in the wiki (

3D printers

3D printers were being fixed this week. The Neo and the X350 are back in operations, and Karim's Ultimaker was seriously being worked on Thursday. Awesome!


~10 members are already signed on to go on the SHA2017, a hacker camp/festival/conference in August this year. If you want to stay in the loop, join #sha2017 in flowdock! You can get a ticket here:

CW 01


We had a Plenum on Thursday (as every Thursday for the next few weeks now). Here are the meeting minutes:

Personal stuff at the space

One important point from the Plenum: We'll have space to move the amount of 3 of our standard IKEA boxes to the new space, and will also use that as the amount everyone should be able to store at the new space, until we have found a new storage solution. If you have more, please make sure to clean that out, take it home, or throw it away within the next few weeks

LED projector conversion

Our projector lamp broke a few weeks back. Heiko, Nicolai, Peter and Rene took on the task of converting that to one bright LED. Check it out right here: The LED (25w AC cob) turned out to be not bright enough. If you have something bigger sitting in a box and want to help the efforts, contact them.

Broken 3D printers

The Neo and X350 are out of order, until further notice. Please don't try to fix them yourself (that broke them in the first place), and get in contact with ThomasE and Joerg if you want to help.

CNC Furniture

Peter and Severin have been working on some open source furniture things. Peter built a full-size chair: and Severin some models for tables and stools. Check those out at the space