20240526 Plenum

From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
Revision as of 18:05, 1 June 2024 by Aaron (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- PLEASE ALWAYS COPY/PASTE THE TEMPLATE FROM [Plenum_Template] TO AVOID MISSING INFO - Thanks --> The Plenum is a regular meeting of all people involved with the space to talk about things and decide stuff. If you have any topics to add, go right ahead! Please sign your points with your name (by adding a "<nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki>" after your text). After the Plenum, please follow the tasks outlined in Cycling the Plenum to archive the discussion. <big>Preamble<...")
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The Plenum is a regular meeting of all people involved with the space to talk about things and decide stuff. If you have any topics to add, go right ahead! Please sign your points with your name (by adding a "--~~~~" after your text).

After the Plenum, please follow the tasks outlined in Cycling the Plenum to archive the discussion.


  • The Plenum is an institution to decide what the space should look like, physically and in other ways, such as virtually.
  • Things concerning the space should be discussed at a plenum.
  • Everyone on-site can participate in that process, member or otherwise.
  • Everyone can lead a plenum; no need for board members to do that.
  • Topics should ideally be announced on the Plenum wiki page beforehand.
  • The Plenum should be held in a language that everyone participating understands.
  • Scheduling: Second Thursday of the month at 8 pm and the last Sunday after the cleanup (which starts at 11 am)
  • Plenums should be no longer than 90 minutes.

Next Plenum: Sunday, May 26th after the cleanup which starts at 11am

Topics for the Plenum

What are you currently working on?

we forgot this, oops

Projects & Groups update

This is a quick update from group meetings at our space or other long-term space projects (e.g., Lasercutter, CNC, etc.)

Vorstand updates

Say Thank you

  • Aaron for the give away tomato plants.
  • Everyone who helped at the cleanup today.


If you want to be mentioned at the previous section as well, one of the easiest ways is to take one of our MiniJobs. This is a great way to participate in the Munich Maker Lab e.V. and contributing time helps keeping our space in a good shape. You can find all information about the scope of the available jobs on MiniJobs.

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20240509 Plenum

  • New enclosed printer: We'll wait until the specs and price for the Creality K2 Plus are announced (June or July). Based on that we should discuss on either get the Creality or the BambuLab P1S. --Phier (talk) 21:33, 16 May 2024 (CEST)
  • Ultimaker "Ulrich" Unlimited Z - we can postpone the decision what to do with the printer until the point we know which new printer we'll get and where it should be placed.

Metal files

  • Almost every file in the drawer is dull. Since I don't want to decide on my own which ones should be thrown away, my idea is to put red sticky dots along with an instruction sheet into the drawer. Every time someone uses a file and thinks it's no longer any good puts a red dot on it. When a file has three red dots it should considered to be thrown away. We should also consider to buy a set of new ones (see "things to buy"). --Phier (talk) 22:32, 23 May 2024 (CEST)
    • We agreed to do the following instead: We buy the new files as they are not very expensive. When they arrive, we are going to compare them on some leftover pieces of metal and throw out anything that performs noticeably worse.
    • Approved by everyone

Anything you don't feel comfortable with within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News

Introduce Loomio poll

Things to Buy

  • A set of big files. I did a little bit of research and think these are good ones. If anyone knows a better option please let me know. - 44,95 € --Phier (talk) 09:45, 26 May 2024 (CEST)
    • Approved by everyone
  • Same as the files we have lots of dull drills in the drawer, especially the small ones. Metal drill set (19 parts - 1 mm to 10 mm) - 18,90 € --Phier (talk) 09:45, 26 May 2024 (CEST)
    • Approved by everyone
  • Garden Hose Drum with new Hose: 100€
    • Approved by everyone
  • Wider Nozzle for the Vacuum, approx 50€
    • Approved by everyone

Request for online participation

If necessary, you can request to participate remotely (via jitsi). Please briefly describe why you want to participate remotely and what topic you want to discuss. (additionally to adding the topic on top!)