20210822 Plenum
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What are you currently working on?
- Meier: Nix
- Jonas: Technische Wohnzimmerausstattung
- German: Aufkleber von Autos abkratzen
- Severin: Precious Plastic Werkstattcontainer ausbauen
- Joe: Aufräumen und halbe Projekte recyclen. Computertruhe Dinge. Lastenfahrrad einfahren.
Projects & Groups update
Just a quick update from the groups meeting at our space, or other longterm space projects
- Laser: Work in Progress
- TTN München: Meetup am Mittwoch, kommt vorbei
- Precious Plastic München: Containerausbau in Progress
Say Thank you
Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum
- Organizers of the HoM Summer Meetup for leaving the space in a great state
Stuff from the past
What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20210812 Plenum
- Loomio Poll läuft noch: https://www.loomio.org/d/JgE7LPn6/belt-sander/1
- "david will provide a new form for guests + info mail to members. after that space status will be enabled again" - noch offen
- Things to buy:
- Kette fürs Werkstatttor ist da, noch nicht montiert
- Wachs für Filler noch offen
- Imperial Steckschlüsselset ist da und schon benutzt worden
- Sicherheitsschloss für die Küche - Unklar, David fragen
Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?
Is there anything that's bothering you?
- One of the Prusa USB Sticks is gone... :(
Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News
- Mal im Instagram Story Archive gucken?
Introduce Loomio poll
Give a brief introduction of what you want to be decided on in Loomio before posting it to the Loomio management board
Things to Buy
- Büsche für neuen Pflanztrog - 60€ - keine Gegenstimmen.