Web Infrastructure

From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
Revision as of 22:38, 23 September 2024 by Tiefpunkt (talk | contribs)
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Attention.png Warning: The contents of this page are hopelessly outdated and need to be updated. For now, check #it-infrastructure in Slack in case you want to know anything specifc.

Some documentation on MuMaLab's web infrastructure stuff.


Service Name Hostname Server nativ/docker
Website www.munichmakerlab.de mars nativ
Wiki wiki.munichmakerlab.de jupiter nativ
Nodered nodered.munichmakerlab.de jupiter docker
Log log.munichmakerlab.de Tumblr -
Etherpad pad.munichmakerlab.de mars docker
Mailinglisten lists.munichmakerlab.de mars nativ
Roombooking rooms.munichmakerlab.de jupiter docker
Slack Inviter slack.munichmakerlab.de jupiter docker
Space Status status.munichmakerlab.de mars nativ
MQTT mqtt.munichmakerlab.de jupiter nativ

Externally hosted, and to be transfered into MuMaLab Infrastructure

Planned Services

  • NextCloud
  • evtl Ticket System

Details unclear

  • InfoBeamer


Wordpress at https://munichmakerlab.de

  • Access via HTTP is redirected to HTTPS
  • Hosted on mars.munichmakerlab.de


MediaWiki at https://wiki.munichmakerlab.de/

  • Access via HTTP is redirected to HTTPS
  • Hosted on jupiter.munichmakerlab.de
  • Create your own account, needs to be confirmed by an admin


We currently have a bit of a spam problem, easiest way to fix it currently is to clean them up in the database directly.

update mw_account_requests set acr_rejected = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y%m%d%H%i%S"), acr_user = 1, acr_comment = "Spam, no confirmed mail address", acr_deleted = 1 where acr_email_authenticated is null and acr_rejected is null and acr_registration < now() - interval 7 day;

update mw_account_requests set acr_rejected = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y%m%d%H%i%S"), acr_user = 1, acr_comment = "Spam", acr_deleted = 1 where acr_rejected is null and acr_registration < now() - interval 7 day;

update mw_account_requests set acr_rejected = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y%m%d%H%i%S"), acr_user = 1, acr_comment = "Spam", acr_deleted = 1 where acr_rejected is null;


Space status at https://status.munichmakerlab.de

  • Access possible via HTTP and HTTPS
  • Hosted on mars.munichmakerlab.de
  • Details at StartYourEngines


Space Automation, see MuMaBus for details

  • MQTT at jupiter.munichmakerlab.de


Chat, with bridge to IRC

  • Application in itself is SaaS, we have a 50 seat community license. Talk to tarwin or tiefpunkt
  • IRC bridge is powered by RelayBot, hosted on ???


  • Hosted on mars.munichmakerlab.de

Additional Services

  • Calendar as iCal
  • ical2email. Sends reminder emails for events to mailing list, using the wordpress calendar. Python script running daily on vps02.thearrow.de