Web Infrastructure

From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
Revision as of 22:46, 3 July 2023 by Tiefpunkt (talk | contribs) (spam cleanup)
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Attention.png Warning: The contents of this page are hopelessly outdated and need to be updated. For now, check #it-infrastructure in Slack in case you want to know anything specifc.

Some documentation on MuMaLab's web infrastructure stuff.


Wordpress at https://munichmakerlab.de

  • Access via HTTP is redirected to HTTPS
  • Hosted on mars.munichmakerlab.de


MediaWiki at https://wiki.munichmakerlab.de/

  • Access via HTTP is redirected to HTTPS
  • Hosted on jupiter.munichmakerlab.de
  • Create your own account, needs to be confirmed by an admin


We currently have a bit of a spam problem, easiest way to fix it currently is to clean them up in the database directly.

update mw_account_requests set acr_rejected = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y%m%d%H%i%S"), acr_user = 1, acr_comment = "Spam, no confirmed mail address", acr_deleted = 1 where acr_email_authenticated is null and acr_rejected is null and acr_registration < now() - interval 7 day;

update mw_account_requests set acr_rejected = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y%m%d%H%i%S"), acr_user = 1, acr_comment = "Spam", acr_deleted = 1 where acr_rejected is null and acr_registration < now() - interval 7 day;

update mw_account_requests set acr_rejected = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y%m%d%H%i%S"), acr_user = 1, acr_comment = "Spam", acr_deleted = 1 where acr_rejected is null;


Space status at https://status.munichmakerlab.de

  • Access possible via HTTP and HTTPS
  • Hosted on mars.munichmakerlab.de
  • Details at StartYourEngines


Space Automation, see MuMaBus for details

  • MQTT at jupiter.munichmakerlab.de


Chat, with bridge to IRC

  • Application in itself is SaaS, we have a 50 seat community license. Talk to tarwin or tiefpunkt
  • IRC bridge is powered by RelayBot, hosted on ???


  • Hosted on mars.munichmakerlab.de

Additional Services

  • Calendar as iCal
  • ical2email. Sends reminder emails for events to mailing list, using the wordpress calendar. Python script running daily on vps02.thearrow.de