"Someone should" Projects

From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
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"Someone should ..." - This phrase is uttered very often when it comes to upgrades in the space, so why not gather all the ideas here?

How this page works

  1. You have an idea how to improve something in the Lab.
  2. Write down the basic infos in the table below.
  3. As the project idea matures write down any further details/instructions onto this page.
    For bigger projects (> 2 weeks working time) consider to create an own project page on the wiki.
  4. Introduce your project on the next plenum or gather people to help you.
  5. When finished move it to the "Finished Projects" table and tell everybody in Slack (#completed-projects) which awesome improvement you did!

ToDo Projects 💪

Title Description (one or two sentences) Lab area Skills needed Contact person Status
Switching valve on sawdust vacuum Changing the tube which goes into the vacuum is tedious. Make a Y-valve with a lever to switch between the "arm" and the "tube" Workshop crafting / plumbing Phier work in process
Easy device handling on gaming corner The devices at the gaming corner (TV, HiFi, consoles, etc.) should be connected to different switchable power sockets (so there is only one switch to turn on the TV, only one for the HiFi, etc.). Documentation on the wiki how to turn on/off the devices is also needed, along with a QR-code on the devices which point to the corresponding wiki page. Wohnzimmer - Phier / Sascha looking for support
New proper arm for sawdust vacuum tube The old and fragile plywood arm in the workshop should be replaced by a proper one made out of steel. Workshop crafting / maybe welding Phier looking for support
LED Projects Documentation We have a bunch of WLED powered blinky projects installed in the space, but there's no documentation in the wiki :'( Whole Lab writing Wiki Articles ChrisB/AdrianM needs pictures and someones time to write docs
Current state of the lathe Someone who has already used a lathe (or even better: ours) should have a look what's currently wrong with it. Is it repairable? If yes, how much work and money would go into it? Present the results at the next Plenum where it will decided how to proceed with it. Workshop Basic mechanical knowledge - finding someone who takes this task
Current state of the big drill press Our big drill press (the one next to the garage door) has a major imbalance. Someone who has basic knowledge of a gearbox and/or bearings should have a look at it. Is it repairable? If yes, how much work and money would go into it? Present the results at the next Plenum where it will decided how to proceed with it. Workshop Basic mechanical knowledge - finding someone who takes this task
Sort out drills drawer The drawer with the drills in the workshop is a little mess. Someone should look through the drills, sort them, throw away broken ones and make a list which drills need to be bought (size and kind). Additional: Do some research about drill-grinding-machines. Is there an affordable machine which has good ratings? Workshop Basic mechanical knowledge - finding someone who takes this task
Prusa i3 Z-Axis issue Our big Prusa 3D Printer (i3 MK3S) has an issue on the Z-Axis. As the photo (see below) shows there is a thick layer every 23 mm. Maybe one or both Z-Axis spindles have an imbalance and needs to be fixed/replaced. 3D Printing Basic knowledge about 3D printer - finding someone who takes this task
Sort electronics boxes When you're looking for a specific component it's exhausting to look through the small boxes which are stored in the shelf. The goal is to resort everything in those boxes into the big drawer (see photo below) as it's much easier to look through and find parts. If boxes/components are labeled, contact the person. If it's really old stuff, consider to throw it away. Electronics corner - - finding someone who takes this task

Prusa i3 Z-Axis issue


Sort electronics boxes


Finished Projects 🥳

Title Description Done by Month/Year
Laser Cutter door brackets The current brackets for the laser cutter door are old prints and are all cracking, this means the front door panel can come off if all brackets fail. Ideally we would design bulkier brackets with modern materials and install them Adrian & Bernhard 10/2024
Improved water tap at men's toilet The foot switch has been installed with minimal changes to the wiring. If someone wants to do some extra improvements (e.g. bolt it to the ground, improve water resistance with a gasket here and there) they're welcome to :) Adrian 10/2024