Laser Air Filter

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Laser air filter

Release status: beta [box doku]

Description Air filter system for our laser exhaust
Author(s)  Heiko,Severin

Our laser cutter creates smelly and dirty fumes, so we need to filter the exhaust before putting it out into the environment.



There are different classes of air filters, and we'll stack a few different ones together. Here's a list of the different classes there are: Partikelfilterklassen (Wikipedia)


Before, we've just use a mat of filter material. These provide an area for the air to through that's just as big as the area of the filter.

This time however, we're looking at using so-called pocket filters. These are filters in which the filter mats are not laid flat, but in a zig-zag shape, to have a bigger area for the air to go through. Here's more information on that: Taschenfilter (Wikipedia)


The plan is to go with two filters initially, a class G4 and a class F7 pocket filter, with the option of adding a third one. The idea is to possibly add an activated charcoal filter, which should allow us to get rid of smells that the other filters aren't taking out of the exhaust. But since these are fairly expensive (they would at least double to cost of the filter), we'll leave them out for now, but still have a slot prepared in our filter casing. The Filterbox was planned to be build out of 22mm MDF. To get it mostly weatherproof we decided to put two or three layers of color on it.

Chosen filters:

Optional actiavted charcoal filter: [1]

We've decided to go with plastic frames on our filters.

Dimensions and inner layout


Outside setup

To get this box more weatherproof we decided to build a small basement out of concrete on which we put the box.
Also we have to put a roof above which we want to build out of this stuff [2].



Part  Amount Cost
Filter 100€
Wood (22mm MDF) 5m^2 + 1.5m^2 150€
Roofing material  20 €
Cement 10 €
Screws, angles, other small parts   100 €
  Total 380€

-> 400€ incl a small buffer

Final Costs

Part  Source Amount Cost
Wood Hornbach lots €125,69
Concrete, Paint, hinges Bauhaus lots € 215,90
Wood glue Hagebau 1 bottle € 9.99
Airfilters [3]  2 + shipping € 46.75
Fan anti-virbation mounts ebay [4] 4 € 9.49
Return shipping for wrong filters € 5.99
  Total € 413.81

Other Stakeholders

Behind our building, where we're planning to put the filter as well as the exhaust pipes, someone is keeping their beehives. We have talked to them already and got green light about our plans. Contact:


Other people's filters