20210211 Plenum

From The Munich Maker Lab's Wiki
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Beginn: 20:14 - Ende: 20:19

What are you currently working on?

  • German: 3D Druck & Design in Fusion für Lampen
  • Theresa: Umzug
  • Jonas: Briefkastensensor
  • Bernhard: 3D-Druck und Silikondinge
  • Severin: TTN Conference, LoRaWAN stuff
  • Stefan: Klicken

Projects & Groups update

Just a quick update from from of the groups meeting at our space, or other longterm space projects

  • CNC: Bernhard found a Store (Here for some fairly reasonable priced CNC kinematics stuff ( e.g. Rails, Ballscrews, etc.) that doesn't suck at quality. Might be a get to go for the future CNC improvements as soon as the space will be opened again.
  • TTN: Meetup next week
  • Precious Plastic: Nothing happening :(

Say Thank you

Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum

  • Huge thanks to Nils for organizing a 3d Printer for one of our members.

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20210114 Plenum

  • USB power suplly: Nico had one he wanted to donate to the space. But it's not at the space yet.
  • Freifunk offloader works fine.

Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Is there anything that's bothering you?

  • It's not open. That sucks. We should open a hair salon in the space.

Things for Newsletter, Social Media & Website News

Introduce Loomio poll

Give a brief introduction of what you want to be decided on in Loomio before posting it to the Loomio management board

Things to Buy