20180707 Plenum

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The Plenum is a regular meeting of all people involved with the space to talk about things, and decide stuff.

Topics for the Plenum

What are you currently working on?

Tell everyone about your current projects and stuff you've done for the space

  • Paul: Is avoiding legionella
  • Nico: Writing my first Alexa skill
  • Flo: Vending machine for drinks
  • David: Cleaning the space and smaller stuff

Say Thank you

Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum

  • David and Severin for giving the laser proper power, and cleaning out the old Make Germany Corner
  • Everybody who helped cleaning
  • Severin and Joe for starting the Kitchen
  • Tobi, Elias, Robert and everybody else who is working on the kitchen
  • Nico for buying drinks
  • Rene for setting up a cool lightshow which brought a bunch of people in

Stuff from the past

What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20180621 Plenum

  • We now have pens
  • Buying wood for me MDF is waiting for a reply from Jörg as the local hardware store is pretty expensive
  • Status of the VR Covers is unclear
  • Concentrator board is being worked on by Severin
  • Wood trash has been moved to the workshop
  • Trashstation/-pile should be gone

Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?

Is there anything that's bothering you?

  • Flys in the empty bottles but there is not much we can do
  • A lot of old stuff without label in the fridge


The metal saw in our workshop belongs to JanM which is leaving us. He offered that we could buy it for what he paid for it - 750€. Do we want a metal saw? Do we want this one or maybe some type of bandsaw?

  • All of us are against buying the saw but we're open to suggestions of other saws to buy
  • We offer our support to JanM to fix the saw as we were allowed to use the saw quite a bit

Bar @ Make Munich

The last years we did the bar at Make Munich which was a lot of work, fun and created quite a bit of income. If Make Germany wants us to do it again, do we want that? JanS did the organisation in the past but he would need to be replaced with somebody else.

  • We'll do an intern poll to see if we can bring up the manpower and if Make Munich would loose a lot of volunteers if we do the bar


I sorta forgot about the newsletter in the last two weeks, thus nothing was sent out. Is there anyone who'd like to support me on making the newsletter happen each week, so we can keep that continuity we had in the past? --Tiefpunkt (talk) 09:52, 7 July 2018 (CEST)

  • More contribution would be appreciated so if anybody wants to participate feel free ;)
  • Let's add our hackathons
  • We should add more of the projects we are currently doing
  • Stuff for the newsletter: Groden festival, URBAN


  • Not much interesst from the space so we didn't ask other makerspaces
  • We might just open the doors and show some 3D printing, lasercutting, styrofoam cutting, ...
  • Another option would be to set up a booth at the import export


Buying drinks is pretty much work during the summer so we might want to outsoure that.

  • We have an offer from Getränkemarkt "Rudi" to deliver the drinks.
  • He asks 2€ for a crate or 10€ total if we order more than 10 or 15 crates.
  • He could delivery with a short notice.


How do we want to handle donations to avoid having a lot of stuff in the space that nobody wants?

  • If we have an offer and there is a bit of time - Ask in slack and if a few people want it that's ok
  • If it's an one time offer and it might be cool to have just bring it
  • If you just bring bulky thinks that nobody wants please be aware that you are responsible for getting rid of it again


Neo asked us to shut down Freifunk to get rid of all the children as they don't want to run anybody over. They also offered to donate some money to bring Freifunk to where they live.

  • We won't shut down our Freifunk
  • We look into setting up another Freifunk at where they live - probably we can talk OuiShare into providing their wifi

Things to Buy

Things to buy for projects related to the space.

  • Power Adapter (~20€) and distribution box (same as the one in the workshop? [1] ~60€)for the back right corner of the space --Tiefpunkt (talk) 09:46, 7 July 2018 (CEST)
  • No objections
  • Nico is voting for a distribution with 2,5sqmm cable just like the one we have in the workshop
  • Nico offered to buy the box as he needs to go to Bauhaus anyway