We are running a Fileserver at the space to store all kinds of stuff, as well as use it for generel data exchange (getting stuff to the laser, anyone?)
- Synology NAS
- 1 x 2 TB WD Red, 1 x 2 TB WD Green - Raid 1
- 2 Bays spare for further extension
- Spare WD Green on-site
- IP
Access via SMB, AFP, FTP, SFTP.
Hosts a anonymous share for laser files at \\mumashare\userfiles and features private home-folders for members with accounts. Warning: There is absolutely no guarantee that your files will stay in there, even though we try to maintain this share on a best-effort basis. If it is unclear to which user files belong to, they might be deleted. Guest login is "guest" with no password. Administrator login available via
Buffalo NAS
This is now branded "hawking" - "hawking" used to be a own dedicated server but was moved to this buffalo NAS.
- Buffalo LinkStation Live (HS-DHGL), upgraded to a LinkStation Pro
- IP:
Fixing it
When we got the LinkStation, it didn't have a harddrive. Putting in a spare 1.5 TB HDD made it go into awkward error beeping mode. Even after a reset, the NAS did not reply to its default IP address. So we added a serial port (according to guide, but soldered an angled pin header into place, instead of the friction fit connector. A serial console with 115200 baud (8N1) shows the device booting but not finding any software and thus looking for an TFTP server on
We downloaded a firmware upgrade for the LinkStation from Buffalo, and gave it its firmware files on the TFTP Server. The machine then booted (visible on the console) and replied to pings, but there was no web interface. Turns out, you still need to install the firmware. So we ran the firmware upgrade, and tada, it took almost forever but the machine then booted up and also opened its web interface (default credentials: admin/password). The Web UI was in japanese, which could be changed in the "Basics" configuration option (the second from the top in the left-hand-side menu), all the way on the bottom. Changing the language needs a reload of the UI (F5).
The process is also described in this guide.
Making it into a LinkStation Pro
The WebUI was super slow, but the internet says you can just "change" your LinkStation Live into a LinkStation Pro, since they share the same hardware. The Pro lacks a few of the media features, that the Live provides, but is thus much faster. We followed this guide. Since we did this early on, we had the FW upgrade tool also reset settings and reformat the drive. The upgrade failed once for us, leaving the NAS in the embedded boot mode (without the WebUI). We just ran the upgrade again, and it was all good.