The Plenum is a regular meeting of all people involved with the space to talk about things, and decide stuff.
If you have stuff to add, go right ahead! Please sign your points with your name (by adding a "--~~~~" after your text).
Next Plenum: December 14th, ~20:00
Topics for the next Plenum
- The Plenum is an institution to decide on what the space should look like, physically and in other ways.
- All things concerning the space should be discussed at a plenum, if possible.
- Everyone who's there can participate in that process, member or otherwise.
- Everyone can head a plenum, no need for board members to do that.
- Topics should ideally be announced on the Plenum wiki page beforehand
- The Plenum should be held in a language that everyone participating understands.
What are you currently working on?
Tell everyone about your current projects.
Thank you
Let's say thank you to those who did some awesome stuff for the space since the last plenum
Stuff from the past
What was discussed at the last Plenum? What's the current status of those things? 20171130 Plenum
Anything you don't feel comfortable within the space? What would you like to change or to be changed?
Is there anything that's bothering you?
Punctuality of plenum
Many times the plenum does not start punctually on the scheduled time. This is annoying for those who have a tight time schedule. Start the plenum on time. The same holds true for talks and workshops. --Eax (talk) 17:26, 2 December 2017 (CET)
Es gibt übermäßig viel Staub im Space. In der Holzwerkstatt entsteht sehr viel Staub wenn man dort werkelt. Wenn die Werkstatt ein Dach hätte, wie es auch vorgesehen ist, sollte die Staubverteilung sich auf die Werkstatt beschränken und nicht mehr die Arbeitsplätze, Küche oder Geräte im Space in Mitleidenschaft ziehen. Ich möchte gerne, dass die Holzwerkstatt ein Dach bekommt, wie es auch vorgesehen ist. Besser ist es erst ein Dach auf die Werkstatt zu setzen als die neue Küche einzubauen, weil Küche nur verdreckt durch den Holzstaub. --Eax (talk) 00:09, 2 December 2017 (CET)
Die jetzige "Küche" - ich meine die Kochplatte und den Tisch, der die Platte steht - wird selten von unseren Köchen gereinigt. Stattdessen bleiben Bratfettflecken zurück. Es ist nicht einladend in unserer Küche im Space was zu kochen. Bitte die Küche nach der Benutzung richtig sauber machen. --Eax (talk) 00:09, 2 December 2017 (CET)
I would like to see more workshops within the space to exchange knowledge and experience with space members. For example, I could give a survey of different Sensors. Who else is interested in more workshops? Who would like to help organizing a workshop? What topics are you interested in? Beginner's guide to Wemos, Arduino, or Sensors? --Eax (talk) 00:09, 2 December 2017 (CET)
Clean up your (food) waste
Sooo sad! Last time, when I attended the particle matter sensor workshop, the space is not cleaned up the day before the workshop. This sucks, if you come to the space and in addition to the preparation for the workshop, you also need to clean up the left-over garbage and food waste. --Eax (talk) 00:09, 2 December 2017 (CET)
Job Positions
We have some unpaid but highly rewarding jobs to fill. Any help is highly appreciated. --Tiefpunkt (talk) 10:21, 21 November 2017 (CET)
- Newsletter Editor
- We put out an almost weekly newsletter. You like to write short paragraphs, and have your stuff read by many awesome people? You want to share other people's stories with the world? Join the newsletter team!
Things to Buy
Open group buys